Is your Sadness really Guilt?

 Guilt & Shame

After I was guided to work on my sacral and I began to ask a lot of questions. 

The sacral is a very important chakra allowing the pleasure of life and everyday activities. What is stored in the sacral? Trauma and chords. 

An imbalanced sacral chakra can have you slip into modes of depression. Experiencing low moods and mood swings. Odd right? Considering the solar plexus is one of emotions. However, the solar is your confidence and sun energy. The orange is your creativity and pleasure. It is your sexual creative energy. So what happens if there is an imbalance? The pleasure and joy of the world is instead limited by the guilt and shame you feel. Guilt and shame to even allow yourself to feel the pleasure of the world. Here we get our beliefs of being undeserving. An old and outdated one of mine is "I don't deserve to live"... pretty intense right? Well you know how the world works but just as well how much those things can't stop us. As we all deserve and the blessing is us. 

Guilt hiding as Sadness

After a break up and you listen to those sad songs. It is pain you feel. Yes, there is heartbreak but what lingers inside of you? Guilt. Unbeknownst to you or not. That sorrow is the sadness you feel due to the guilt and self-blame. Majority of the time, it is internalized but it doesn't always have to be. It is a simple balance between... what was actually in your control? Was being who you are the straw that broke the camel's back?

The healing you seek is the forgiveness within your own self and a shedding of that old skin that blames yourself. Release the shame and guilt. Stop blaming yourself and welcome in the pleasure that life has to offer. It hurt, it did and I know it did but you don't have to keep suffering because of it. That is in your control. Whether you continue to suffer because of it or not after the first blade was dealt. Whether you say "it was for me" and not to me. Little changes. Little moments of letting go and allowing in a bigger picture. Giving yourself grace, compassion, and the love you know you deserve. This life and the world still loves you. Don't shut it out because of a simple feeling of embarrassment. 

It wasn't until I read a line that said "you feel guilt and self-blame after what happened" that I burst into tears thinking I had already let all of that stuff go. Your unconscious and your feelings never lie. I do or I did. It was out of my own control and I tried. That is enough for me and I don't need to internalize things anymore. Somehow when I was small, I was the one meant to or suppose to control things uncontrollable for the people around me who stood too ridged. This is the era we give up our savior complexes and allow things to just be and trust that other people have as much power as we do. We are not victims. We should be allowed to just be and enjoy the life we have been given in all its sensual pleasures of beautiful colors, sweet and soft smells, and charming sounds. Touch and feel, get back into your body and FEEL. Stay mindful, stay aware, and let those things slip away. Don't get distracted by guilt and old things taking you away from your own enjoyment and pleasure. Take a moment to breath and feel the warmth of the sun or chill of the wind. Your peace and your love is invaluable.

 Send The Sun - Nikki Lane ðŸŽ¶

Thanks for reading  


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