Curses placed on you: Expression & Communication

 There is energy that confines you in your daily life. To people who are not observant or 'awakened'. You would never know there was a different or other. 

The best example comes from myself and my experience. Generational curse or something plaguing me from my youth. The energy that closed my throat and made talking and expressing myself... hell.

Before I get to the main experience. I do want to talk about throat curses and how they do definitely exist. It feels like something else has a hold of your throat and you have an inability to express yourself and truthfully. You say words that aren't yours. You don't really mean what you say or say what you mean. I was trying to talk to someone very dear to me and feeling like I was completely blocked off. None of the words I wanted to say came out and if they did, they were skewed. So skewed, it felt like it was best not to say anything at all. That is a feeling of helplessness that is hard to avoid. It can even feel like an attack on you and to your own throat. The process to cleanse thing or heal things? Well, write your truth down on a paper and recite it until your throat stops closing up on you. Talk out loud and say it.

(Note: If your throat closes up randomly when conversing with someone else. It could be you picking up on their inability or even un-wanting to say something. Or even, them lying.)

The Curse that confines Expression

It was a long process to undo what had been afflicting me for years. All I have is my experience and what my guides had been telling me as they were walking me through it. Before, every interaction with a person and worse, with a group of people, would feel like a confining energy trying to lock me in. Either plagued with fear or crowded with this energy. It would make my eyes fuzzy to my surroundings and unground me from my reality. It would close me in. Energy from the outside, all around me. If my aura was a bubble, it would close in on all of me and block me out. 

In my 3D and to my mind, this looked like a major fear of saying, well... anything. Although to me, I didn't even know I was 'afraid'. As a person who sought freedom, I had no idea how much this energy was taking that all away. The freedom and natural right to express and say what one wants to say or has to say. It felt like a fear that I just couldn't. People couldn't hear. It felt like a survival instinct at times and a real big defense and protective mechanism. I could never express myself. Which makes me understand the importance of  'free speech' even more.

My guides explained how this was a birthright of mine that was taken away or 'blocked'. A natural human's right for this sense of freedom. 

One day, it fell away. With time and identification, the energy dispersed on me and began to fall away. It wasn't until I had that change that I realized how terrible it was for me to have lived my life like that all those years. To me, it was normal and natural and I couldn't see it. I didn't know there was a different or other. I didn't know I was 'afflicted'. 

It felt like when "sheep do not know they are sheep", and I was that sheep. 

The day it dropped down revealed a breath of fresh air around me that felt life changing. All of a sudden like a flip of a switch. I had my freedom back. I could say what ever the hell I wanted to say! No fear, no consequence, and certainly no push back. My spirit guides sent a little explanation note through my tiktok feed. They wanted me to rejoice. Don't look sadly on what has been, but express and experience a new sense or chapter. As well as, congrats!!! You broke a generational curse, enjoy your freedom! 

If anything that experience, while giving me something precious and my 'birthright' back to me. It allowed me to look at people and life in a different light. How many are going through that and do not know like I had? How many people feel just as stuck and trapped? How many people have something afflicting them and they don't know it themselves or that they can have their jail break and make an escape? 

The freedom and even our birthright back to us again? Maybe it's not you. So next time that happens or you sense that you yourself are feeling like that. With that overwhelming energy, a feeling of attack, or getting pushed back and blocked out. Take a deep breath, know the truth... and don't let it stop you. 

Have you ever felt the freedom of saying whatever the hell you wanted to say with no consequences or fear holding you back? No 'what if I say that and they turn on me or I ruin something' statement or feeling. What if I could say whatever the hell I wanted to say, scream it into the universe and it would float away in its own individuality and freedom. What if you have no attachment to the things that you say and the instant you said them you also let them go and have trust and faith? That what you said, won't come back and slap you upside the head. What if you were given grace and space? What if... it was just the energy confining you and you don't deserve to have to live your life like that? 


Of course, expression is bigger then just exchanging your words, thoughts, and ideas. Mine mainly had to do with those. Although, keep in mind, expression of self is also, your feelings. Expressing your feelings, saying what is on your mind. Joining into a group or even expressing your feelings within your body. Smiles are normal and natural and so is laughter but you ever meet those people afraid of being happy? Do you ever need a good scream but can't? What kind of curses are you dealing with?


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